0800 454 654

Professional arborists are highly trained professionals who perform necessary maintenance and removals of trees in both public and private areas.

Becoming a fully qualified arborist isn’t an easy feat; it’s a lengthy and challenging process. You’ll need to be someone without any fear of heights, become comfortable operating powerful machinery (such as chainsaws) and enjoy intensive physical labour. You’ll also have to spend extensive periods of time outdoors in the sun as well as other challenging weather conditions.

If you’re someone who enjoys heights and working outside, then arborist may be the perfect role.

Preparation for training as an Arborist


Arborists require a sufficient level of education to be able to learn some of the intricacies of horticulture including plant and soil biology, tree species identification, and methods of pest control. Therefore, it’s imperative that prospective arborists have completed a minimum of three years of secondary education. The most useful high school subjects for those considering a career as an arborist include: horticulture, biology, math and English.

Physical preparation

Before any aspiring arborists begin their practice, it is extremely advantageous for them to possess some experience in the following three domains:

  • Knowledge of horticulture and gardening experience
  • Experience climbing and using ropes
  • Experience working at height, such as window cleaning

Working as an Arborist is often exceptionally physically demanding given the sustained periods spent climbing, lifting heavy machinery, pruning or sawing parts of trees, and other forms of manual labor. Therefore, prospective arborists need to attain a high level of physical fitness before they even initiate their training. Although their fitness will inevitably be improved by performing their day-to-day duties, most arborists have weight lifting programs to make performing their daily tasks more tenable.

Arboricultural Training

Health and Safety Training

Health and Safety training is of paramount importance. So before trainee arborists even look at a tree, they have to complete specific OHS training courses.

Climbing trees isn’t always child’s play. When you combine climbing high up with using dangerous, powerful machinery such as chainsaws, it’s clear that a significant degree of climbing proficiency is highly desirable.

Arborist Certifications

Many arboriculture qualifications can be attained through mentored apprenticeships, enabling committed candidates to learn while beginning on the job. However, some of these qualifications can also be studied for at polytechnics.

In New Zealand, there are four qualification units that an arborist can attain: New Zealand Certificate in Arboriculture Level 3, 4, 5 and the New Zealand Diploma in Arboriculture Level 6. All arboriculture qualifications in New Zealand are developed and monitored by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.

Even when an Arborist is fully qualified, the learning doesn’t stop. All New Zealand Arboriculture certifications have expiry dates, so professionals need to regularly retake certifications to demonstrate they’ve maintained their knowledge of trees and plants and stayed up to date with the best arboricultural practices.

New Zealand Arboricultural Association Inc (NZARB) offer a number of seminars, workshops and certification courses to help arborists become qualified, up-skill and gain additional professional recognition.

Jim’s Trees Arborists

All Jim’s Tree and Stump Removal New Zealand workers have gone through this rigorous process to become fully qualified arborists. This is why Jim’s Trees is a name you can trust. Because of their extensive training as arborists, Jim’s Trees employees have the expertise around tree care and are proficient at using dangerous power tools even at a precarious height.

Jim’s Trees are competent and qualified to provide any arborist related duties, our full range of services Includes:

If you’re interested in joining Jim’s Trees, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today on 0800 454 654.