0800 454 654

Qualified and Insured Arborists in Christchurch

Need an expert arborist in Christchurch?

When it comes to expert tree removal and trained arborists in Christchurch, look no further than Jim’s Trees. Every tree requires maintenance and care. At Jim’s Trees, we have the required experience and skills to ensure your trees are in the best health possible. Whether you’re in Merivale, Central City or Sumner, we can provide you with quality tree care and reliable service.

Our Arborist Services in Christchurch

Christchurch is home to a wide range of tree species. Our local Christchurch arborists are fully trained on a wide variety of trees, including native, evergreen and Deciduous species. We can assist with all your tree maintenance and removal

Our services include:

Tree Health Inspection & Assessments

Tree health assessments are a vital component of proper tree care and maintenance. Our team of certified arborists can assess the health and condition of your trees to identify any potential issues and provide recommendations. We can evaluate hazards such as weak branches, disease or pest infestations, and other issues that could impact the health of your trees. By addressing problems early, we can help protect your trees so they can thrive for years to come.

Tree Removal Permits

Tree removal permits are often required by local councils to remove trees on public and private property. The team at Jim’s Trees can help you navigate the process to obtain the necessary permits to ensure that your tree removal is done in compliance with regulations. With our years of knowledge in Christchurch, we can ensure your tree removal is done safely, legally, and in a way that protects the environment and your community.

Tree Clean-up Services

A hazardous tree can be a significant risk to people and property, especially during severe weather conditions. Overhanging branches around power lines can be a safety hazard and potentially create major disruption. Our arborists provide efficient and safe tree clean-up services, identifying and removing trees that pose a threat to the surroundings. We use the specialised equipment to safely remove hazardous trees, minimising the potential for injury and damage to your property.

Why Choose Jim’s Trees Arborists?

jims trees

We continually focus on prioritising safety and carry out all our services in accordance with strict safety standards and industry-standard operating procedures. You can trust Jim’s Trees Christchurch when it comes to your precious trees. 

Safety Comes First

At Jim’s, we prioritise the safety for our customers, their properties, and our team. We want you to have peace of mind when choosing Jim’s Trees and ensure you’re receiving a top-quality and reliable service. We adhere to stringent OHS regulations in all our projects, regardless of their size, and strive to implement the most effective safety measures to create a risk-free work environment.

Liability Insurance Coverage

Our top-of-the-line insurance coverage policy provides you with the assurance you need to protect your home from any possible damages. With our $10 million liability insurance coverage, your property and valuable assets are secured for any of the services we provide. You can learn more about our rigorous OHS policies and extensive insurance coverage by clicking here.

Bypass the Red Tape

A tree and stump removal can quickly become complicated when you involve local council permits and approvals in the process. By working with a long-standing business like Jim’s Trees, you can leave the heavy-lifting to us. We can advise you on the regulations for your local council to understand and help you complete the necessary paperwork.

Arborist Frequently Asked Questions

Unsure how to care for and treat your trees? With years of experience under our belt, we can answer and address any concerns you have about your trees and landscaping. If you’re thinking about removing a tree or stump from your property, it’s crucial to receive advice from professional arborists before making any decisions or attempting to remove a tree yourself.

Can an arborist save a tree?

An arborist can often save a tree through proper care and maintenance. Arborists assess the condition of a tree to determine the best course of action to promote its health and longevity. We can provide services such as pruning, fertilisation, disease management, and pest control to address issues that may be affecting the tree. However, not all trees can be saved and in some cases, tree removal may be the best option for safety reasons.

How often should I have my trees inspected by an arborist?

The frequency of your tree inspections depends on the different factors like the weather and climate, types of trees, and your property. Tree assessments should ideally be completed every 1-3 years to check-up on your tree health. If you detect signs of decay and disease or there’s been extreme weather, it’s best to immediately book in an inspection to identify any underlying issues and treat your trees back to health.

What should I expect during a tree inspection?

A qualified arborist will visit your site to investigate the surrounding trees in the area and determine their current state. We can conduct inspections in residential properties and public areas like schools and parks. After the inspection, we can provide an in-depth arborist report that details our tree findings and recommendations.