0800 454 654

An emergency tree removal is critical in order to keep you and your house safe. From one season to another, our trees battle heroically through the various seasonal elements that can potentially spell disaster in the long term. It is important to know the signs for when you have to make the emergency call to get your tree removed, so you don’t have to face unnecessary destruction. So here at Jim’s, we’ve given you some handy tips and tricks on how to prevent a range of tree-based calamities.

Check Your Property and Trees

Weather can often dictate emergency tree removal. It is possible that the wind and rain can suddenly knock a tree onto your roof or your driveway. So if you fall victim to foul weather, it is advisable to check your property and the surrounding trees. If it’s needed, remove loose limbs that could easily break from a strong gust.

Even if there’s no significant weather event or immediate emergency, it’s important to still have your property inspected to detect symptoms that could lead to any future complications.

Check For Tree Disease

Despite weather being one of the top offenders when it comes to emergency tree removal, the main reason that can cause a tree to begin to lean or tip over is soil erosion. Appearances can be deceptive and it is easy to remain ignorant if there are no obvious issues. A tree could look structurally sound but remains misleadingly upright, which can be a ticking time bomb.

Undetected tree disease will eventually lead to the tree dying, which is a pain to deal with. A diseased tree brings about a multitude of different issues. For example, the tree might become hollow or the disease could attack the roots of the tree. From the outset everything might look fine, so it is important to remain vigilant.

Study for signs such a leaf loss and discolouration and note if there is any decaying branches. Catching and treating tree decease early always lends to the best possible outcome and increases the possibility of a trees survival. Basically nip it in the bud, as prevention is better than a cure.

Call Jim’s Trees

When you find yourself in the midst of an emergency tree situation, our arborists are on hand to help. With our substantial resources, we can tackle the problem head-on with efficiency. If disaster does strike, it’s best to keep calm and call us. Once the emergency service is complete, our team will then begin the process of removal and tidy up.

Not sure if your trees are safe? Call Jim’s Trees today on 0800 454 654 or get an online quote.